Ajith's Blog

I occasionally blog here. Primarily on Swift and iOS development, but also some thoughts about languages, tools, and techniques in software development.Checkout my website.

As a full-time iOS developer, everyday I’ll be paddling towards that tight project deadline against the high winds. And, I seldom have time to stay in touch with latest trends, announcements, innovations, articles and open source inspirations surrounding iOS development. It’s difficult to stay on top of my iOS game.

Can you relate?

Fortunately, I’ve found ways to stay informed of the new happenings in realm of iOS development. Several amazing newsletters shoot an email with their findings and great stuff; subscribe them! Companies and enthusiastic developers take time to publish fantastic blogs, awesome open source libraries and regularly send out blue ravens;

FOLLOW them.

Top iOS Development Resources To Follow

Here, I’ve listed Newsletters, Blogs, People, Companies and other resources that help me to keep up-to-date as an iOS and Swift developer.

##Newsletters — Curated All the pointers neatly organized 👍.

  1. This Week In Swift —  https://swiftnews.curated.co

    Every week Natasha Murashev puts together a list of the best Swift resources for you. Did you know she is secretly a robot? Keep reading.

  2. Indie iOS Focus Weekly — https://indieiosfocus.curated.co

    Looking for the best iOS dev links, tutorials, & tips beyond the usual news? Curated by Chris Beshore. I like to keep an eye on Independent iOS developers.

  3. Swift Algorithms News —  http://swiftalgorithms.curated.co

    Swift Algorithms News is a curated publication full of interesting, relevant links by Wayne Bishop.

  4. iOS Dev Weekly —  http://iosdevweekly.com

    Have you started to notice that above newsletters look similar? Folks, Dave Verwer — founder of Curated and author of iOS Dev Weekly. He puts together hand-picked round up of the best iOS development links every week. I never miss reading his comment on every issue.

  5. iOS Goodies —  http://ios-goodies.com

    Yet another weekly iOS newsletter curated by Rui Peres and Tiago Almeida. Articles, app business, UI/UX, tools, videos and more are the goodies.

  6. Swift Monthly —  http://swiftmonthly.com

    Hand Picked Swift Tutorials, News, Videos, Jobs, Conferences and more delivered straight to your inbox. No Fuss, No Spam!

  7. Swift Developments —  https://andybargh.com

    A weekly curated email of useful links for people interested in designing and developing their own iOS, WatchOS and AppleTV apps using Swift by Andy Bargh.

  8. Swift Weekly Brief —  https://swiftweekly.github.io

    Swift has been a game changer since introduced. It is critical to learn about disccussions surrounding the amazing open source language. So, a community driven weekly newsletter about Swift curated by Jesse Squires helps you to get the best summary about what’s happening in the Swift open source project every week.

  9. Mobile Development Digest —  http://blog.alsedi.com/mobile-development-digest/

    A weekly newsletter with mobile development content(90% iOS) combined from Alex D. Sergeev’s personal readings during the week.

  10. ManiacDev.Com —  https://maniacdev.com

    One of the first newsletters I subscribed to and it has been pointing me to hundreds of iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools. Great stuff, Johann Döwa.

##Blogs New posts ✨. They stay quietly in my endless reading list.

read blogs

  1. Ray Wenderlich —  https://www.raywenderlich.com

    One of the best(🏅) in the business. Quality and epic length programming tutorials (1119+ tuts). Sign up to receive the latest tutorials from Ray’s team each week.

  2. Swift Blog — Developer —  https://developer.apple.com/swift/blog/

    All the hot news about Swift published by Apple.

  3. Swift.org — Blog —  https://swift.org/blog/

    The swift team and the open source community making great efforts to build a better programming language for everyone.

  4. Medium — iOS App Development —  https://medium.com/ios-os-x-development/latest

    Stories and technical tips about building apps for iOS, Apple Watch, and iPad/iPhone. Medium is the new fad for lot of enthusiastic writers and it has also encouraged plenty of developers to start writing. I strongly recommend you to signup and start following.

  5. AppCoda — http://www.appcoda.com

    Simon Ng (founder) and his team are on a mission to help newbies/professionals to learn iOS programming tutorials for anyone who want to pursue app development.

  6. NSHipster — http://nshipster.com

    The folks here dig into overlooked bits from Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa. Mattt Thompson (I guess every iOS dev knows him) is among authors.

  7. Big Nerd Ranch’s Blog — https://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/categories/ios/

    The Nerd Blog! Aaron Hillegass, a trainer and developer at NEXT co-founded it. The books written by big nerd ranch helped me big time when I started out as iOS dev.

  8. iOS-Blog — http://www.ios-blog.co.uk

    Swift monthly newsletter is their sister and they run a facebook page as well; check out iPhone Application Development. Tutorials, tips, handy resource links, interview questions and jobs. so, 👍👍.

  9. Swifting.io — https://swifting.io

    Post #24 on iOS architectures was a gem. Two iOS devs from Poland present interesting topics discovered in Swift world.

  10. iDevBlogADay — http://idevblogaday.com

    iOS indie developers writing every day about their stuff. Old is gold 🤘.

  11. Cocoa Is My Girlfriend — http://www.cimgf.com

    Experienced folks; lot to learn from ’em. I like this intro BTW.“The site is called Cocoa Is My Girlfriend because it’s about programming and a passion for programming on iOS and OSX. Writing code is hard work but it’s fun. It’s science but it’s also art. It’s fun as well as infuriating. It’s often beautiful and sometimes ugly. It’s temperamental yet rewarding. Cocoa is My Girlfriend.”

  12. Subjective-C — http://subjc.com

    Subjective-C is a study of innovative iOS interfaces Written by Sam Page and Matt Delves. Check that out!

  13. iOS Developer Tips —  http://iosdevelopertips.com

    John Muchow a long time iOS developer shares tips that are focused on all things iOS developer centric, from APIs and tools to coding tips, tricks and best practices.

  14. iOS Dev Nuggets —  http://hboon.com/iosdevnuggets/

    Short, and usually something you can read in a few minutes and improve your skills at iOS app development shot right into your inbox by Hwee-Boon Yar.

  15. That thing in swift — https://thatthinginswift.com

    “What are the things I should know if I want to develop with Swift?” is your question? Checkout Nick O’Neill’s that thing in Swift blog.

##Fellow Developers I Follow Gratitude. They helps us code better. 👏👏.

devs to follow

  1. NatashaTheRobot | Natasha Murashev

    🔗 : https://www.natashatherobot.com

    🐥 : http://twitter.com/natashatherobot

  2. Ash Furrow

    🔗 : https://ashfurrow.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/ashfurrow

  3. Use Your Loaf | K Harrison

    🔗 : http://useyourloaf.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/kharrison

  4. Sam Soffes

    🔗 : https://soff.es

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/soffes

  5. Ole Begemann

    🔗 : https://oleb.net

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/olebegemann

  6. Erica Sadun

    🔗 : http://ericasadun.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/ericasadun

  7. Chris Eidhof

    🔗 : http://www.eidhof.nl

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/chriseidhof/

  8. Nick Lockwood

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/nicklockwood

  9. Mathew Sanders

    🔗 : http://mathewsanders.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/mathewsanders

  10. Soroush Khanlou

    🔗 : http://khanlou.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/khanlou

  11. The.Swift.Dev. | Tibor Bodecs

    🔗 : https://theswiftdev.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/tiborbodecs

  12. Think and Build | Yari D’areglia

    🔗 : http://www.thinkandbuild.it

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/bitwaker

  13. Cocoa with Love | Matt Gallagher

    🔗 : http://www.cocoawithlove.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/cocoawithlove

  14. Jameson Quave

    🔗 : http://jamesonquave.com/blog/

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/jquave

  15. Krakendev | Hector Matos

    🔗 : http://krakendev.io

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/allonsykraken

  16. Peter Steinberger

    🔗 : http://petersteinberger.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/steipete

  17. Sam Davies

    🔗 : http://iwantmyreal.name

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/iwantmyrealname

  18. Radek Pietruszewski

    🔗 : http://radex.io

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/radexp

  19. Rob Napier

    🔗 : http://robnapier.net

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/cocoaphony

  20. Matt Blair

    🔗 : https://mattblair.net

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/elsewisemedia

  21. Javier Soto

    🔗 : http://www.javiersoto.me

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/Javi

  22. Andy Matuschak

    🔗 : https://andymatuschak.org

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak

  23. Ben Sandofsky

    🔗 : https://sandofsky.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/sandofsky

  24. Jesse Squires

    🔗 : http://www.jessesquires.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/jesse_squires

  25. Justin Spahr-Summers

    🔗 : http://jspahrsummers.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/jspahrsummers

  26. Krzysztof Zabłocki

    🔗 : http://merowing.info

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/merowing_

  27. Brian Gesiak

    🔗 : http://modocache.io

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/modocache

  28. Ryan Nystrom

    🔗 : http://whoisryannystrom.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/_ryannystrom

  29. Matt Galloway

    🔗 : http://www.galloway.me.uk

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/mattjgalloway

  30. James Frost

    🔗 : http://jamesfrost.co.uk

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/frosty

  31. Matt Reagan

    🔗 : http://sound-of-silence.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/hmblebee

  32. Clean Swift | Raymond Law

    🔗 : http://clean-swift.com/

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/rayvinly

  33. Marco Arment

    🔗 : https://marco.org

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/marcoarment

  34. Orta Therox

    🔗 : http://orta.io

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/orta

  35. Nate Cook

    🔗 : http://natecook.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/nnnnnnnn

  36. JP Simard

    🔗 : http://www.jpsim.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/simjp

  37. Hacking with Swift | Paul Hudson

    🔗 : https://www.hackingwithswift.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/twostraws

  38. John Gruber

    🔗 : http://daringfireball.net

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/gruber

  39. Steve Streza

    🔗 : http://stevestreza.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/SteveStreza

  40. Swift Unboxed | Greg Heo

    🔗 : https://gregheo.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/gregheo

  41. Dan Counsell

    🔗 : https://www.dancounsell.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/dancounsell

  42. Ellen Shapiro

    🔗 : http://designatednerd.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/designatednerd

  43. Learn Swift | Ayaka Nonaka

    🔗 : http://www.ayaka.me

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/ayanonagon

  44. Curtis Herbert

    🔗 : https://blog.curtisherbert.com

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/parrots

  45. Chris Lattner

    🔗 : http://nondot.org/sabre/

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/clattner_llvm

##Curated Collections A similar version of this post 🍻.

  1. LearnSwift.tips — http://www.learnswift.tips

    A curated list of helpful resources to learn Swift. Tutorials, Code Samples, References and more!

  2. Cocoa Controls — https://www.cocoacontrols.com

    4000+ open source UI components.

  3. iOS Cookies — http://www.ioscookies.com

    A hand curated collection of iOS libraries written in Swift.

  4. iOS Stack — http://iosstack.com

    iOSStack is a hand-curated collection of links and resources for iOS.

  5. App Dev Wiki — http://appdevwiki.com/wiki/show/HomePage

    It’s meant to collect links, tools, libraries, and anything that is useful for mobile development.

##Companies that OSS Amazing culture 🎉.

oss companies

  1. Realm

    🔗 : https://realm.io/news/

    🐙 : https://github.com/realm

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/realm

  2. Artsy

    🔗 : http://artsy.github.io

    🐙 : https://github.com/artsy

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/artsyopensource

  3. Ramotion

    🐙 : https://github.com/Ramotion

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/ramotion

  4. Yalantis

    🐙 : https://github.com/Yalantis

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/yalantis

  5. Hyper

    🐙 : https://github.com/hyperoslo

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/hyperoslo

  6. Raizlabs

    🔗 : https://www.raizlabs.com/dev/category/ios/

    🐙 : https://github.com/Raizlabs

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/raizlabs

  7. Thoughtbot

    🔗 : https://robots.thoughtbot.com/ios

    🐙 : https://github.com/thoughtbot

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/thoughtbot

  8. Invasivecode

    🔗 : https://www.invasivecode.com/weblog/

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/invasivecode

  9. Cocoanetics

    🔗 : https://www.cocoanetics.com

    🐙 : https://github.com/cocoanetics

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/cocoanetics

  10. Y Media Labs *cough cough I work here..😉

    🔗 : https://medium.com/ymedialabs-innovation

    🐥 : https://twitter.com/ymedialabs

##Inspirations Design is pivotal.

  1. Pttrns — http://pttrns.com/ios-patterns

    The finest collection of design patterns, resources and inspiration a.k.a The mother of all design resources.

  2. Mobile Patterns —  http://www.mobile-patterns.com

  3. User Your Interfaces — http://uyi.io

    Use Your Interface is an inspiration resource for designers and developers.

  4. CAPPTIVATE — http://capptivate.co

    A kinetic pattern library that captures and preserves delightful iOS animations. Created by Alli Dryer, a designer at Twitter.

  5. Lovely UI — http://www.lovelyui.com

    A Collection of Mobile UI Elements.

  6. app.itize.us — http://app.itize.us

    A painstakingly curated presentation of the best designed apps available.

  7. Beautiful Pixels — http://beautifulpixels.com

    Beautiful Pixels is a place where we can collectively admire the works of some of the greatest user interface designs of our time.

  8. Landingfolio — http://www.landingfolio.com

    Only the best landing page design inspirations.

  9. Dribbble — https://dribbble.com

    Developers have been trying out animations posted here from designers.

  10. Clark from Invision — http://blog.invisionapp.com

    Nothing more to explain about this dude; check this out.

##Talks, Screencasts & Videos

  1. WWDChttps://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc2016/

    The best 🏆. Period.

  2. Objc.io-Swift Talk — https://www.objc.io

    Don’t forget to checkout their 24 issues; discontinued, nevertheless extremely helpful.

  3. NSScreencast — http://nsscreencast.com/

    Weekly bite-sized screencasts on iOS development by Ben Scheirman.

  4. Ray Wenderlich — https://videos.raywenderlich.com

    Yes, again. Over 150 videos diving deep into all aspects of Swift & iOS development.

  5. Stanford | Paul hegarty — https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-8-apps-swift/id961180099

    Beginner 👶🏻? I strongly recommend this course.

##Awesomeness Finally, have you ever searched for “Awesome” on Github?
(Each entry below is in incremental order of being awesome)

  1. Awesome iOS — http://awesomeios.com

    A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects.

  2. iOS Top 1000 — https://github.com/iamdaiyuan/ios_top_1000

    A curated list of awesome iOS top 1000 libraries.

  3. Awesome Awesomeness — https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness

    A curated list of awesome awesomeness.

  4. Awesome — https://awesome.re

    Curated list of awesome lists. 😎.

##Fun Humor Me 😆.

  1. This Dot Programmerhttp://thisdotprogrammer.com
  2. The Coding Love — http://thecodinglove.com
  3. Dilbert — http://dilbert.com



This post was originally published on Medium.

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